Friday, November 28, 2008

What's Low Progesterone Infertility

Low progesterone infertility is one of the most common causes of infertility in women. Over the course of a monthly menstrual cycle the levels of progesterone will increase and decrease significantly. There will be a swift rise of progesterone at the time of ovulation. This reduces if fertilisation has not occur. The decrease of progesterone and estrogen generates the start of the monthly period. contrarily, whenever conception has occur, the level of progesterone increases hence stop the lining of uterus being repudiated.

There can be premature birth danger because of falling level of progesterone or low progesterone. The alteration that happen in the breast, is due to progesterone and it stimulates the breast milk. The foetus is determined by the amount of progesterone. The correct levels will act as a stabiliser of the pregnancy whereas, low progesterone levels can stop pregnancy happening or influence miscarriage or other problems occurring while pregnant.  It has been shown that infertility is a consequence of low progesterone levels.

How can the Problem Of low level of progesterone be Addressed

You should immediately seek medical advice, if you have experienced difficulty conceiving or have experienced miscarriage. The most popular causes of infertility has been discover to be low progesterone. Some factors that have to be taken into account are modern day living. Modern farming methods which inject cattle and chickens and other livestock with hormones to increase the size and weight of these animals. There have been suggestion by expert that feeding on meat, chickens, injected with hotmones can have bad effect on us. Definately, there will be further studies like before to uncover the truth because it appear that low progesterone infertility and human fertility are symptons. Other causes that is having bad effect on us and which can also lead to infertility in both men and women are aluminium foil packaging and artificial sweeteners.

Other major contributing causes of infertility are alcohol, smoking and diets. {For more education on causes of infertility visit now Low Progesterone Infertility.}

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