Friday, December 26, 2008

Assisted Infertility Technology And Pregnancy

infertility counseling

Most of the time you will get a reliably precise result from a home pregnancy test within fourteen days after you have had your fertility treatment although most clinics will run the tests on your behalf. Please bear in mind that oftentimes when home pregnancy tests are conducted too soon after female infertility treatment, they can often indicate a false positive answer. If you are expecting a baby, you start to notice other hints such as missing your period, feeling or being sick, tender breasts, needing to go to the toilet more frequently, fatigue, sensitivity to strong tastes and aromas, in addition to mood swings.

Signs of Infertility

Generally, the fertility clinic will stay in touch in the early weeks when you become pregnant to carry out ultrasound scans to monitor the development of your baby. There are some that do not provide extended care, in which case you will need to make your own arrangements for your prenatal care and birth.

Some women take a while to acclimatize to the fact that they are pregnant after a course of fertility treatment so don't concern yourself if, in the beginning, you are not as [happy/exhilarated] about as you believed you would be. The feelings a woman goes through are normal for many women when they discover they are going to have a baby, irrespective of whether they became pregnant by normal means or through fertility treatment.

Emotionally, you may find being pregnant tough but actually your pregnancy is unlikley to be any different to a person who didn't have fertility treatment. With some mothers, it may be necessary to have supplemental scans at the hospital. A number of reasons exist including a past miscarriage (or stillbirths), if expecting more than one baby and of course, your general health. If the woman is older, this can also be a deciding factor because the older you are the greater your chanceS of problems will be.

Over a million babies around the globe have now been born as a result of assisted conception treatment such as IVF and the chances are you will give birth to a healthy baby. Even with the safety record, you can never say there won't be any problems experienced in a pregnancy, irrespective of whether it was aided or not because they all carry some danger but most of the time these are only small. It might be easier said than done but try to relax during the pregnancy as much as you can.

Infertility Counseling

The number of women who loss their baby following IVF is slightly higher than following normal conception. There are a couple of likely causes for this: the first being that a pregnancy test is carried out in the early stages of pregnancy after the fertility treatment. Then there is the case where a woman who has become pregnant by the regular route might think she has gone through a late period but has in fact created an embryo that failed to implant. There is also an increased chance of miscarrying when you are mature and women who have fertility treatment are usually older normally than those who conceive by natural means. If there is anything you are unsure of, you would be wise to speak to a gynaecologist from your fertility clinic.

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