Friday, November 28, 2008

What's Low Progesterone Infertility

Low progesterone infertility is one of the most common causes of infertility in women. Over the course of a monthly menstrual cycle the levels of progesterone will increase and decrease significantly. There will be a swift rise of progesterone at the time of ovulation. This reduces if fertilisation has not occur. The decrease of progesterone and estrogen generates the start of the monthly period. contrarily, whenever conception has occur, the level of progesterone increases hence stop the lining of uterus being repudiated.

There can be premature birth danger because of falling level of progesterone or low progesterone. The alteration that happen in the breast, is due to progesterone and it stimulates the breast milk. The foetus is determined by the amount of progesterone. The correct levels will act as a stabiliser of the pregnancy whereas, low progesterone levels can stop pregnancy happening or influence miscarriage or other problems occurring while pregnant.  It has been shown that infertility is a consequence of low progesterone levels.

How can the Problem Of low level of progesterone be Addressed

You should immediately seek medical advice, if you have experienced difficulty conceiving or have experienced miscarriage. The most popular causes of infertility has been discover to be low progesterone. Some factors that have to be taken into account are modern day living. Modern farming methods which inject cattle and chickens and other livestock with hormones to increase the size and weight of these animals. There have been suggestion by expert that feeding on meat, chickens, injected with hotmones can have bad effect on us. Definately, there will be further studies like before to uncover the truth because it appear that low progesterone infertility and human fertility are symptons. Other causes that is having bad effect on us and which can also lead to infertility in both men and women are aluminium foil packaging and artificial sweeteners.

Other major contributing causes of infertility are alcohol, smoking and diets. {For more education on causes of infertility visit now Low Progesterone Infertility.}

Friday, November 21, 2008

Are You Wondering What to Eat in Order to Have a Baby Boy?

Does a woman's diet have anything to do with the gender of her child? Some believe it does, and others then wonder what to eat in order to have a baby boy. Before you start making your shopping list there are some things you want to consider first. Number one, there is no magic recipe or special shake you can whip up in the blender that is going to guarantee the gender of your child, boy or girl. While some may advise you on what to eat in order to have a baby boy, these changes may only increase your odds very slightly, if at all, so be prepared for a girl when the pregnancy does happen and get that ultrasound from the doctor before you pain the nursery blue and toss out the "girl's section" of the baby name book.

It's believed that the "boy sperm" from a man travels faster but lasts for less time than the heartier "girl sperm." This is where your considerations of what to eat to increase your chance of conceiving a baby boy come into play. When you create an atmosphere or environment that is difficult for the sperm to survive in, you make it that much more difficult for the "boy sperm" to last long enough to reach an egg. So basically you want foods that will help to preserve sperm so that you can help them survive for longer. Most people believe that the sodium in salty foods and the potassium in red meat can both help in this regard. Some recommend saltine crackers or soda bread as both of these have a high sodium content. An increase in red meat every day might also help.

A word of caution though. If you are thinking of changing what you eat in order to have a baby boy you must be very careful that you don't put your health at risk. Too much salt can make you retain water and can cause your blood pressure to go up. Too much red meat is also somewhat unhealthy as the body has a hard time digesting it. Whatever changes you decide to make to your diet – be sure and run them past a doctor first.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How to Conceive a Boy: Learn How To Dramatically Improve Your Chances

If you're curious as to how to conceive a baby boy, keep in mind some basic pointers but remember that no matter what you do or what you try, you really cannot determine the gender of your baby with total certainty. Most parents are perfectly fine with this and will be happy with any baby they have, but they may be wondering how to conceive a boy simply because they want to have one of each gender or for other reasons.

You'll be pleased to know that there is some positive news in that there are things that you can do to bolster your chances of conceiving a baby boy. Before you rush out though and buy lots of blue clothes and blue paint for the baby's room, it would be advisable to wait, when you do become pregnant, for the gender to be confirmed by a doctor through an ultrasound scan.

One thing to bear in mind if you want to conceive a boy is that Y chromosome (boy) sperm moves quicker but is not as robust as the X chromosome (girl) sperm which tends to last longer. This really means that you need to conceive as close to ovulation as possible so that faster 'boy' sperm can overtake the slower 'girl' sperm. Another thing to note also is that conception can still happen up to three days after intercourse. Again, you can't guarantee conception will happen at all much less can you force its timetable, but many believe that deep penetration so that the sperm is closer to the cervix and therefore more able to reach the egg quickly is a good way of increasing your chances of conceiving a boy.

If you are going to want to conceive as close to ovulation as you can you will be required to know exactly when you are ovulating. There are several ways of finding out whether or not you are ovulating. Buying an ouvulation prediction kit or charting your body temperature are a couple of ways of doing this. Following this advice, while not giving you a cast iron guarantee, will at least give you more favorable odds, so why not give it a go?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gifts for Newborns Which Mum and Dad Will Appreciate

It can be really difficult knowing what to buy for newborn babies, especially if you are not a parent yourself.  Sometimes a quick visit to a baby shop will offer the needed inspiration and everything will work out.  One the other hand, there is the possibility, that the more baby gifts you look at the more confused you will get.  There are huge amounts of merchandise in the shops which is marketed for newborns, but what do new parents really want or need?

The marketing divisions on the major toy manufacturers have made a few decisions for you.They have decided that you will most likely only want to buy gifts which are in the correct colours; ie blue for boys, pink for girls and beige and white if the parents decided not to find out the sex of their baby at the scan stage.  If you are considering a soft toy remember that they will probably not be of any interest to the newborn for the first couple of months as newborn children cannot hold a toy.  If you are looking more at plastic or wooden toys, then these will probably not be played with until the baby is sitting well or crawling (if a hard toy is given to a baby who is still wobbly sitting they may fall on it and hurt themselves).  

Sometime, especially it if the first grandchild in a family, you know that the new parents will be inundated with toy gifts for newborns.  So what are the other options for gifts for newborns?  The obvious choice would be clothes.  Unfortunately newborns don’t need much of a range of clothing, which limits how much fun you can have buying baby clothes.  There are wonderful newborn baby clothes, but it is sometimes the case that the parents rarely get a chance to put the baby in them.  Firstly, newborn size will not last for very long.Secondly, babies are most comfortable in vests and body suits, socks and mini shoes are all rather fiddly and a lot of fuss for a new mum who has many things to get to grips with.  Finally, it is worth remembering that some expectant mothers get very excited and do go a bit mad before the baby is born and buy half a shop in preparation.

So if you are still not sure about the best gifts for newborns, what about looking for something for mother and baby?  There are some gift sets out there for bathing and creams for skin.  However, many new mothers are very cautious about what they will put on their babies skin, and will just wash their little bundle in warm water.

Then, of course there are gifts which are not really ‘gifts for newborns’, but more ‘gifts for new parents’.  There is the obvious, champagne, some mothers may be a little cautious if they are breastfeeding, but most will manage a glass to celebrate.  There is chocolate, which every breastfeeding mother should be eating plenty off to keep up their strength and milk supply.  Finally, if you are looking for an aromatherapy experience it is important to choose something which will be safe for mum.  Lavender is now recommended as a natural antiseptic (and is much nicer than salt), so anything lavender based is likely to be suitable and even healing.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How To Get Proper Timing With These Pregnant Tips

When it comes to getting pregnant regular sex is an example of the key factors to your success. It is recommended you need to have sex at least 3 times a week Whilst everyone knows that timing is vital getting it bang on can be a challenge.

In order to address the issue of timing, regular sexual activities is the key. Some females are preventing to take on sex once they suspect that they do not seems to be ovulating; however the things that you believe may not be truthful, at the very most, repeated sexual intercourse that you engage will help you to cover your bases. The act of sex itself is a gorgeous thing and is going to be enjoyed. To simply re-phrase, is not to turn it into some mundane tasks that you need to do.

One reason is that you may begin to have less sexual activity and the other is that you may be too obsessed for sex. This will improve your ability to fertilize the egg with the male sperm.

If climax happens in and round the same time more sperm can be produced and taken in and certain muscles in the female body larger reinforce this capacity when climaxing at the same time as your better half. After sex don't feel it important to just jump out of bed and run to the shower. Relax for 10 to 15 mins, prop your hips up a little by employing some pillows and help the sperm to its destination with the application of gravity.

To conclude health is what it is all about. A healthy sexual relationship with your partner, and a healthy diet, monitor your cycles and let nature take its course.

To be honest, are you facing some obstacles getting yourself pregnant? Are you looking for fertility treatment, have fertility questions, or looking for books on fertility? Go to pregnant tips site now, and get a free video on getting pregnant fast.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Low VOC Paint - What You Need to Know

As a result of the "green living" movement, Low or Zero VOC paints are becoming more mainstream. If you're gearing up to paint your baby's nursery, here's what you should know about these new paint alternatives.

Conventional Paints

If you've ever painted a room in the past with traditional paint, you probably had to open the windows because of the strong odor. Traditional paints contain volatile organic compounds also known as VOCs. VOCs are comprised of a variety of chemicals that can adversely affect your health. In fact, according to The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), VOCs can trigger eye, nose and throat irritations, headaches, nausea, and a loss of coordination. Significant exposure may even lead to problems with the kidney, liver and central nervous system.

Many people mistakenly believe that once their paint is dry and the smell is gone, the chemicals are too. However VOCs tend to concentrate indoors and may persist in the air long after painting is finished. To decrease this risk, consider choosing a non toxic paint for the nursery and other rooms in your home as well. There are many benefits to using non toxic paints including:


  • Easier clean-up with soap and water
  • Easier disposal options
  • Less odor during application and usually no odor once the paint is dry
  • A shorter waiting period to safely occupy the room
  • Significant reduction in toxins released into the air


Non toxic or Natural Paints

These paints are produced by a variety of manufacturers and come in several options. You can find many of these paint products at your local paint stores or home improvement stores. As with many eco-friendly products, there are no official federal guidelines regarding labeling, so VOC standards may vary by manufacturer. Consult the paint labels or ask your in-store paint specialist for clarification if you have questions. You can also look for paints that have Green Seal certifications.

Types of Non toxic Paints

Low VOC:These paints use water instead of petroleum to carry the paint. To be considered Low VOC, a paint may only contain 250 grams of VOC per liter. Likewise, varnishes are limited to 380 grams of VOC per liter. However, many reputable paint companies offer paints with even lower VOC levels. Look for Green Seal Certifications.

Zero VOC: These paints still contain VOCs but are limited to less than 5 grams of VOC per liter.

Natural Paints: These safe paints are made solely from natural ingredients, including substances like water, clay, chalk, plant dyes, natural latex and even milk and beeswax. You can search for natural paints online.

Decorating a baby nursery can be a loving way to prepare for your newborn's arrival. If your plans involve painting the walls, choosing non toxic or natural paints is great way to reduce potential household toxins and give your precious baby the gift of healthy indoor air.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What Steps You Can Follow When You Are Expecting Your First Baby

What's helpful nowadays is the amount of information there is to assist you and what options you have for the birth. Experiencing child birth for the first time is frightening and exciting at the same time because it's all so new and you're not sure how you will feel. But if you get pregnant, you should be thankful. Every woman will experience different child birth but you should be relieved that there are helps that can prepare you to go through this stage.

It is always good to know in advance what options are available to you before the event. All women have different pain thresholds and some need to have painkillers, others are adamant they will have the child naturally. Don't let anyone make you feel bad no matter what you choose. Opinions on using drugs during child birth vary and everyone has one but it is only your opinion that counts. Advice from your doctor is always available so don't be afraid to ask him or her if you have concerns over any issue. For husbands, if you are the one who get her pregnant, then at least you can do is to support your wives during their pregnancy.

Although it is not always possible, it is always preferable to try and give birth to your baby as close to nine months as possible. Always listen to your doctor and keep up the appointments made with them. The health of your child could be put at risk if you go into labor early and could make the birth even harder than it needs to be. You and your baby should be fine if you take note of what your doctor says and stick to a healthy diet. Taking advice from your doctor may not be what you want to do but if they say you need to rest more, they mean it. Attending the local hospital to classes for expectant mothers can be very worthwhile as you will learn about methods to reduce pain for you and stress for your baby. I assume that you can ask them about ways to get pregnant when you are ready for the second baby. Classes like this are deigned especially to help you with your fears and concerns about giving birth.

Never forget that the end result of all those fears about child birth is a tiny baby that is yours to love and keep safe. Your baby will be one of your best achievements in life, and you will never regret what you went through to bring your child into the world.

Acid Reflux And Pregnancy

Keeping Pregnant Women Away From Acid Reflux Dilemma

Many women tend to experience heartburn symptoms when they are still carrying their babies, and this happens for several reasons.

One of these is the increase of hormones in a woman’s body while they are pregnant. This increases the ability of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) to be closed, because it softens the ligaments function. As LES relaxes, the tendency is for the gastric acids and ingested foods to reflux back up into the esophagus area and throat.

Another reason they experience heartburn during pregnancy is from the changes occurring within her body as the baby begins to develop and grow, increasing pressure on her stomach. This will cause the stomach to force it’s contents up into the LES and the esophagus.

However, there are several methods that a pregnant woman can observe to lessen the discomfort brought from heartburn. The following is some good advice, although this may not remove the heartburn totally.

1. Refrain from foods already known to be causes of heartburn. For example: spicy foods, citrus fruits or juices, mustard, tomatoes or tomatoes base products, fatty food, deep fried food or anything with a lot of seasoning in them. Try to refer to medical specialists to know the complete list of foods to avoid Acid Reflux.

2. Avoid beverages with caffeine in them, such as; coffee, tea and soda. Too much of these will cause the LES to relax and let the acid to return into the esophagus.

3. Always avoid alcoholic beverages. This, like caffeine tends to relax the LES thus, creating the same effect of triggering heartburn.

4. Do not eat large meals. You will find that by eating smaller meals more often through out the day will be a big help.

5. Avoid rush when eating your meals. Chewing food thoroughly will really help in avoidance of heartburn, so it is better take your time while eating.

6. Make sure to rest after eating and avoid doing too much activity on a full stomach.

7. A pregnant woman is advised to take more glasses of water a day, at least 8 to 10 glasses, though this must be taken not just during meals. Through this, the stomach will expand, and then the LES will be given more pressure, obliging it to open inappropriately. Hence, it is really recommended to drink more water and other fluids in between meals.

8. When sleeping elevate the head of the bed to be at least six to eight inches high. Try to sleep with an elevated head and shoulders through a wedge pillow. By doing this, gravity will work to help keep your stomach acids down in the right place, and not up in your esophagus area. You can go online or speak with your doctor to find other methods that will help minimize nighttime heartburn.

9. Make sure the clothes you wear are not too tight. Tightness around the waist and stomach will trigger heartburn as it causes uneasiness.

10. When bending, do it at the knees, not at the waist. This will avoid in creating too much pressure in the stomach.

11. Keep a good posture when your walking and when sitting.

12. Keep an eye on your weight too, because too much fat around your stomach will put undue stress on it. As a result, this will force stomach contents throughout the LES and to the esophagus. It is always best to stay with your doctors guidelines.

13. Avoid smoking. Medically speaking the causes of cigarette smoke are very harmful to pregnant women and is one of the known causes for heartburn too. As you follow these tips, you will have a much healthier experience during your pregnancy.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Create an Organic Baby Nursery for Your Baby

With the recent focus on organic living and eco-friendly products, many parents have become interested in creating non-toxic, natural living spaces for their children. One room that typically receives special attention is the baby nursery. Since newborns are still developing, a healthy home environment is particularly important. Creating an eco-friendly or organic baby nursery is a smart move not only for your baby, but for your family and the environment as well.

If you've ever awaited the birth of a child, you know that it's an exciting time! With happy anticipation, the decorating frenzy begins. Bedding and furniture are purchased, walls are painted and new floors may be installed. It's natural to want everything in the baby nursery to be new and beautiful for your precious newborn.

But new and beautiful doesn't necessarily mean safe. Traditional furniture, paints and fabrics may have chemicals and toxins that can be unhealthy for your baby. Luckily, stores and online boutiques are offering more eco-friendly options for furniture, wall coverings, floorings, and organic baby bedding. These natural, organic baby products are typically produced without the use of harmful chemicals and thus contribute to a healthier nursery environment.

Here are five smart purchases to make when creating your organic baby nursery.

A Natural Wood Baby Crib. Your baby will spend a lot of time sleeping so you want a crib that is non-toxic. Traditional wood cribs may have harmful stains or finishes while furniture made from pressed wood may contain adhesives that can also irritate your baby. Consider purchasing a sustainable natural wood crib with a non-toxic finish.

An Organic Crib Mattress. Your baby's actual sleeping surface is just as important as the crib. Conventional mattresses may contain materials and toxins that may be released into the air while your baby sleeps. To promote your baby's health and safety, look for organic crib mattresses that are made from certified-organic materials and fabrics.

Organic Crib Bedding. Many people are unaware that conventionally-grown cotton is one of the most heavily-sprayed crops in the world. To ensure that your baby's sensitive skin is not exposed to toxins in regular cotton bedding, consider organic baby bedding made from natural, organic fabrics and eco-friendly dyes.

Eco-friendly Carpet and Flooring. Traditional carpets typically contain known allergens such as adhesives, stain protectors and flame retardants. To avoid bringing these allergens into your baby's room, look for healthier alternatives such as eco-friendly hardwoods, bamboo and cork floorings or rugs made of natural fibers.

Non-toxic Paint. Ever notice that strong smell in the air when painting? Many traditional paints emit toxins called volatile organic compounds which can be hazardous to your family's health. Look for low-voc, zero-voc or milk-based paints made of natural non-toxic elements.

Creating an organic baby nursery is a great way to prepare for the arrival of your precious child. By incorporating these design details, you can create a healthy, nurturing nursery for your baby.

An Organic Crib Mattress - A Key Part of a Healthy Baby Nursery

Organic crib mattresses, made from eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton, can be a great choice for your baby's nursery. Many parents-to-be are unaware that conventional mattresses are typically made with synthetic materials that can break down and release harmful chemicals into the air.

Babies, with their sensitive immune systems, can be particularly susceptible to inhaling these chemicals or absorbing them through the skin. Thus, the purchase of an organic crib mattress along with natural wood furniture and other eco-friendly products can help you create a healthier nursery that benefits not only your baby, but your family and the environment as well.

Whether you're awaiting the birth of your first child or already have children, you probably already know that newborn babies tend to need a lot of rest. According to experts, newborn babies sleep an average of 16 hours each day! Given this fact, the sleeping environment you prepare for your baby is especially important. Read on to find out more about the dangers of traditional crib mattresses and why buying a natural crib mattress is a better choice.

Conventional Crib Mattresses


  • Many conventional mattresses are filled with polyurethane foam which contains a variety of chemical additives. In fact, polyurethane, a petroleum product, contains known carcinogens. In addition, it is extremely flammable.
  • To address the danger of using polyurethane foam, manufacturers treat mattresses with toxic industrial flame retardants that contain harmful ethers such as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). PBDEs can leach out of the mattress and into the air. They have been linked to thyroid problems and other neurobehavioral disruptions. Due to this danger, PBDEs have been banned in Europe since 2004. In the United States, legislation banning manufacturers' use of PBDEs has been passed in the states of California and Washington.
  • Conventional mattresses typically have an outer shell made from vinyl/PVC (polyvinyl chloride) which contains phthalates. Phthalates are animal carcinogens and have been linked to damage of the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive systems.


Young children are particularly vulnerable to toxins and chemicals, especially during the first years of life so you don't want to expose your baby to these dangers unnecessarily. Let's take a look at some of the benefits of organic crib mattresses.

Organic Crib Mattresses


  • Manufactured with eco-friendly materials such as certified organic cotton which is grown without synthetic pesticides, heavy metals or genetically modified organisms.
  • Waterproof layers are constructed from polyethylene which is considered to be non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
  • Constructed with non-toxic fire protectants.
  • Manufacturing materials and processes are better for the environment.


It is important to note that manufacturers can be somewhat liberal with labeling. So be sure to do your research. Review the product information and look for crib mattresses made with "100% certified organic" fibers.

As you set up your baby registry and begin your preparations, consider first how a product will contribute to the environment you are creating for your precious little one. You would never willingly lie your baby down on a pile toxins and carcinogens that you could see. So remember that there are unseen dangers as well. Luckily, you can make healthier choices for your baby. An organic crib mattress is a great purchase for your baby.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How Assisted Conception Can Fulfill Your Wish Of Getting Pregnant

Normally the fertility clinic will want to stay in touch regularly with you to enable them to carry out checks to guarantee your baby's development is healthy. Not all clinics come with an after-care service so you have to arrange yourself prior to your delivery.

It can take some time for some women to come to terms with the fact they're having a baby after a course of fertility treatment so don't concern yourself if, initially, you are not as excited about as you thought you expected to be. The feelings a woman goes through are normal for many women when they find out they're having a child, and it doesn't matter if they get pregnant naturally or via fertility treatment.

In reality, your pregnancy probably won't be any more difficult than someone who hasn't used fertility treatment although you may feel it more emotionally stressful. From time to time a pregnant woman might find it a necessity to have more than the normal amount of scans owing to their unique situation. Often this is because they have had past problems with miscarriages or health problems for instance.   Another possible reason could be the mother-to-be's age because the older you get the more likely complications can occur when trying to get pregnant.

You may be surprised to learn that over a million infants around the world have now been born as a result of aided conception treatment such as IVF and the prospects are you will give bear a healthy baby. However, all medical treatments have some dangers and there is no way of ruling out the small chance of there being a problem, irrespective of how the child was conceived, although most problems are relatively insignificant.  You would prefer to learn how to get pregnant naturally. It might be easier said and done but try to relax during the pregnancy as much as you can.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

What Are The Things You Should Not Do If You Want To Improve Fertility Fast

There are lots infertile couples anxiously seeking to improve fertility from either their doctors, relatives, friends, media, internet, books, etc. But there are some areas I think you should know if you want to get pregnant fast.

Let's talk about our lifestyle. You should not be stressful over your life, work and even the thought of conception. Stress causes lots of trouble with conception because it helps keep your hormones imbalanced. This often leads to mild depression that may hurts your fertility ability thus making it tough to conceive successfully.

You and your partner have to learn to adapt and adjust your stress levels, if you want to improve fertility.

Productivity and activity will help you to seriously reduce stress, as long as you are doing something which makes you feel happy and improves your quality of life.

The next best thing you should avoid is complacency. Early treatment offers the best chance of success. If there are signs of reduced fertility, couples can make a more informed decision regarding when they would like to try to conceive based on their individual fertility chart.

What about foods? Are there specific foods to avoid in order to improve fertility. Try to avoid pasteurized milk (prolonged use of which has been shown to be a contributing factor to infertility, overcooked meats; cooked eggs; refined white starch, especially white flour.

Instead, try to eat carrot, beet root, cucumber juice: the best blend for cleaning and alkalizing the kidneys, sexual organs and sexual glands - all of which are influenced
by kidney function and condition; 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 2 pints daily. Asparagus: contains aspartic acid, an amino acid that neutralizes toxic wastes in the bloodstream and eliminates them through the kidneys.

Take in 3 to 6 capsules daily of bee pollen can enhance your sexual hormone production which is a potent stimulator to your sexual health. There is raw egg yolk which is rich in organic lecithin, that can build up strong semen quality; consume twice a day mixed with carrot juice. Bananas: rich in tryptophan, a vital amino acid involved in nerve function, but also vital for fertility in both men and women; chronic tryptophan deficiency often causes infertility in men and women.

Wheat germ oil: rich in organic vitamin E, essential for production of sperm and ova; 2 tsp daily, one after breakfast and one after dinner. Other than benefical foods, you can take raw spinach, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, celery and etc.

Do not smoke, consume alcohol, drugs and caffeine which trying to conceive (an while being pregnant and breast feeding). It is better to stay away from these toxic pollutants. Low sperm counts or poor sperm motility may be due to environmental toxins such as chemicals, radiation, drugs, heavy metal exposure, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol use, street drug use and pollution.

Obesity is managed properly can surely improve your fertility, thus increasing the chances of conception. Nearly 10% of all couples in the United States are affected by infertility—more experts are pointing the finger at another growing phenomenon among the nation’s population: obesity. The rates of obesity in America are rising; in 2004, 33% of American women were defined as medically obese.

Obesity results in an increased production of estrogen; this hormonal imbalance in turn interferes with ovulation, which of course, is the basis of successful conception.

According to some medical experts, ovulatory disorders are the one of the causes of female infertility. It is resulting from the disruption of hormones, menstrual cycles, and conception. Approximately 15% of such disorders are linked to weight disorders, mainly being overweight and obese.

High estrogen levels associated with obesity can also result in pre-cancerous transformations (usually reversible) in the uterus.

How to treat obesity?

Avoid foods that are high in saturated or trans fats or that are high in sugar. Enrich your diet with whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean sources of protein, exercise regularly. Even moderate forms of exercise, such as walking or low-impact aerobics, can lead to healthy weight loss gastric bypass surgery. Many people who are obese turn to surgery in order to reduce their appetites.

In conclusion, I hope these things I mentioned and you should avoid are sufficient enough for you to increase your chances of pregnancy. Also, with proper planning, I am sure you can have the chance to have the healthiest baby in your arms.

For more free video tips, go to improve fertility site. To get more infertility treatment tips, and a free bonus on how to treat and reduce any kind of stretch marks, go to