Thursday, November 20, 2008

How to Conceive a Boy: Learn How To Dramatically Improve Your Chances

If you're curious as to how to conceive a baby boy, keep in mind some basic pointers but remember that no matter what you do or what you try, you really cannot determine the gender of your baby with total certainty. Most parents are perfectly fine with this and will be happy with any baby they have, but they may be wondering how to conceive a boy simply because they want to have one of each gender or for other reasons.

You'll be pleased to know that there is some positive news in that there are things that you can do to bolster your chances of conceiving a baby boy. Before you rush out though and buy lots of blue clothes and blue paint for the baby's room, it would be advisable to wait, when you do become pregnant, for the gender to be confirmed by a doctor through an ultrasound scan.

One thing to bear in mind if you want to conceive a boy is that Y chromosome (boy) sperm moves quicker but is not as robust as the X chromosome (girl) sperm which tends to last longer. This really means that you need to conceive as close to ovulation as possible so that faster 'boy' sperm can overtake the slower 'girl' sperm. Another thing to note also is that conception can still happen up to three days after intercourse. Again, you can't guarantee conception will happen at all much less can you force its timetable, but many believe that deep penetration so that the sperm is closer to the cervix and therefore more able to reach the egg quickly is a good way of increasing your chances of conceiving a boy.

If you are going to want to conceive as close to ovulation as you can you will be required to know exactly when you are ovulating. There are several ways of finding out whether or not you are ovulating. Buying an ouvulation prediction kit or charting your body temperature are a couple of ways of doing this. Following this advice, while not giving you a cast iron guarantee, will at least give you more favorable odds, so why not give it a go?

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